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FigZero Transformed Cyclone for Shin Kamen Rider

Release : China
Payment: Full Payment
Sale price$255.00

From the movie "SHIN KAMEN RIDER," threezero's next item is FigZero 1/6 Transformed Cyclone for Shin Kamen Rider! It precisely captures the appearance of Takeshi Hongo's iconic motorcycle in its transformed mode featuring a highly detailed sculpt.

Designed for the separately-sold FigZero Shin Kamen Rider,  the Cyclone measures approximately 7.4" tall x 14" long and 3.5" wide. It features a meticulous paint application with the cowlings having a gloss finish.

While most of the cycle is made of plastic, the exhaust pipes, some of parts of the mufflers, the center frame of the body, and the 2 wheels use diecast zinc alloy. The 2 tires are made of soft PVC.

The front and rear wheels can rotate, and the front wheel can be steered. It features working front and rear suspensions, which both are utilizing real metal springs. The rear tire's chain (made of soft PVC) and the brake levers are articulated. The articulated kick-stand enables the motorcycle to stand on its own in parking mode.

The Cyclone's iconic quadruple headlights and the six mufflers have LED light up features (requires AAA batteries x 3, batteries not included). The on/off switch is hidden in the details of the fuel tank, perfectly retaining its incredible appearance.

Also, it includes a clear stand which enables the Cyclone to stand on its own in the driving mode so it can replicate various scenes in the movie when combined with FigZero Shin Kamen Rider.

Shipping: Free within the USA for Full Payment Preorders

What is the difference between USA, Chinese and Japanese releases?

Sometimes we can offer a product with both a domestic and international release. Though the specifics may change, here are some key differences:

  • The Japanese release will be sourced from Japan and be just as it is released there
  • The Chinese release will be sourced from China and is usually identical to the Japanese release (we note if there are differences) aside from package labeling.
  • The USA release will be imported through a distributor and thus may contain translated instructions and will benefit from domestic support should something go wrong with your item
  • Chinese releases usually occur around the same time as Japanese releases, but due to additional processing required, they tend to arrive 3-6 weeks later than the Japanese release.
  • USA releases typically trail the Japanese release by 1-2 months, however they do not receive firm release dates. Dates provided are estimates only and can vary based on various factors
  • ALL releases are available to ship worldwide from our location in the USA

If you care about getting the product as authentic as possible, or as soon as possible, then you'll likely want the Japanese release.

If you want it relatively soon at a middle price-point, the Chinese releases are often the best bet.

However, if price and domestic warranty support are more important and you are willing to wait, you'll benefit from the USA release.